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Workspace Method ScatteringParticleTypeAndMetaRead


Reads single scattering data and scattering meta data.

This method's input needs two XML-files, one containing an array 
of path/filenames (ArrayOfString) of single scattering data and the 
corresponding path/filenames to scattering meta data.
For each single scattering file, there needs to be exactly one
scattering meta data file.

Currently particles of phase ice and/or water can be added for the same calculation.
It is also possible to read SingleScatteringData for different shapes of
ice particles. But all ice particels will share the same IWC, while performing
the pnd_field calculations with pnd_fieldSetup.
Also make sure, that two scattering particles of the same phase are never equal
in size. This will break the calculations in pnd_fieldSetup

Very important note:
The order of the filenames for the single scattering data files has to
exactly correspond to the order of the scattering meta data files.

Authors: Daniel Kreyling


ScatteringParticleTypeAndMetaRead( scat_data_raw, scat_data_meta_array, f_grid, filename_scat_data, filename_scat_meta_data )


OUTscat_data_raw(ArrayOfSingleScatteringData)Raw data of single scattering data.
OUTscat_data_meta_array(ArrayOfScatteringMetaData)An Array of ScatteringMetaData.
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
GINfilename_scat_data(String)File containing single scattering data file names.
GINfilename_scat_meta_data(String)File containing scattering meta data file names.