ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Method ScatteringParticlesSelect
This method is a selection function for scattering particles.
In part_species the user defines selection criteria for:
...which type of scattering particle profile
...what particle size ditribution parametrisation
...the minimum and maximum size of the particle (in terms of volume equivalent radius)
to use in the scattering calculations.
Minimum and maximum size may be omitted or symbol "*" be used as a wildcard.
The scattering particle arrays, scat_data_raw and scat_data_meta_array
are searched for particles, that fullfill the selection criteria.
Only these particles will be used for scattering calculations.
Additionaly an ArrayOfIndex scat_data_nelem is created. This Array
stores the number of scattering particles, that have been selected by each
selection string in part_species
Authors: Daniel Kreyling