ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method abs_coefCalcSaveMemory


Calculate absorption coefficients, trying to conserve memory.

This function calculates only the total absorption (abs_coef),
NOT the absorption per tag group (abs_coef_per_species).

This means you cannot use it if you want to calculate Jacobians

The implementation follows abs_coefCalc.

Authors: Stefan Buehler


abs_coefCalcSaveMemory( abs_coef, abs_species, f_grid, abs_p, abs_t, abs_n2, abs_h2o, abs_vmrs, abs_lines_per_species, abs_lineshape, abs_cont_names, abs_cont_models, abs_cont_parameters )


OUTabs_coef(Matrix)The matrix of total absorption coefficients.
INabs_species(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag)Tag groups for scalar gas absorption.
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INabs_p(Vector)List of pressures to be used for the calculation of absorption coefficients.
INabs_t(Vector)List of temperatures to be used for the calculation of absorption coefficients.
INabs_n2(Vector)The total nitrogen profile associated with the pressures in abs_p [-]
INabs_h2o(Vector)The total water profile associated with the pressures in abs_p [-]
INabs_vmrs(Matrix)The VMRs (unit: absolute number) on the abs_p grid.
INabs_lines_per_species(ArrayOfArrayOfLineRecord)A list of spectral line data for each tag.
INabs_lineshape(ArrayOfLineshapeSpec)Lineshape specification: function, norm, cutoff.
INabs_cont_names(ArrayOfString)Continuum / full model absorption tag names.
INabs_cont_models(ArrayOfString)Continuum / full model absorption model description parameter.
INabs_cont_parameters(ArrayOfVector)Continuum model parameters.