ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method abs_lookupCreate


Creates a gas absorption lookup table.

The lookup table stores absorption cross-sections as a function of
pressure. Additionally, absorption can be stored as a function of
temperature for temperature perturbations from a reference

Additionally, absorption can be stored as a function of water vapor
VMR perturbations from a reference profile. The variable abs_nls
specifies, for which species water vapor perturbations should be

Note, that the absorbing gas can be any gas, but the perturbing gas is
always H2O.

In contrast to other absorption functions, this method does not use
the input variable abs_h2o. This is because abs_h2o has to be set
interally to allow perturbations. If there are more than one H2O
species, the first is assumed to be the main one.

Authors: Stefan Buehler


abs_lookupCreate( abs_lookup, abs_lookup_is_adapted, abs_species, abs_lines_per_species, abs_lineshape, abs_nls, f_grid, abs_p, abs_vmrs, abs_t, abs_t_pert, abs_nls_pert, abs_n2, abs_cont_names, abs_cont_models, abs_cont_parameters )


OUTabs_lookup(GasAbsLookup)An absorption lookup table.
OUTabs_lookup_is_adapted(Index)Flag to indicate whether abs_lookupAdapt has already been called.
INabs_species(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag)Tag groups for scalar gas absorption.
INabs_lines_per_species(ArrayOfArrayOfLineRecord)A list of spectral line data for each tag.
INabs_lineshape(ArrayOfLineshapeSpec)Lineshape specification: function, norm, cutoff.
INabs_nls(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag)Nonlinear species for absorption lookup table generation.
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INabs_p(Vector)List of pressures to be used for the calculation of absorption coefficients.
INabs_vmrs(Matrix)The VMRs (unit: absolute number) on the abs_p grid.
INabs_t(Vector)List of temperatures to be used for the calculation of absorption coefficients.
INabs_t_pert(Vector)Temperature perturbations for the absorption lookup table.
INabs_nls_pert(Vector)Fractional perturbations for the nonlinear species in the absorption lookup table.
INabs_n2(Vector)The total nitrogen profile associated with the pressures in abs_p [-]
INabs_cont_names(ArrayOfString)Continuum / full model absorption tag names.
INabs_cont_models(ArrayOfString)Continuum / full model absorption model description parameter.
INabs_cont_parameters(ArrayOfVector)Continuum model parameters.