ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method abs_lookupTestAccMC


Test accuracy of absorption lookup table with Monte Carlo Algorithm.

Explicitly compare absorption from the lookup table with line-by-line
calculations for random conditions.

The quantities returned are the mean value and standard deviation of
the absolute value of the relative error in percent.
The relative error itself is computed for a large number of cases
(pressure, temperature, and H2O VMR combinations). In the frequency
dimension the maximum value is taken for each case.

Produces no workspace output, only output to the output streams.

Authors: Stefan Buehler


abs_lookupTestAccMC( abs_lookup, abs_lookup_is_adapted, abs_p_interp_order, abs_t_interp_order, abs_nls_interp_order, abs_n2, abs_lines_per_species, abs_lineshape, abs_cont_names, abs_cont_models, abs_cont_parameters, mc_seed )


INabs_lookup(GasAbsLookup)An absorption lookup table.
INabs_lookup_is_adapted(Index)Flag to indicate whether abs_lookupAdapt has already been called.
INabs_p_interp_order(Index)The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between pressure levels.
INabs_t_interp_order(Index)The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between the temperature values given by abs_t_pert.
INabs_nls_interp_order(Index)The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between the H2O values given by abs_nls_pert.
INabs_n2(Vector)The total nitrogen profile associated with the pressures in abs_p [-]
INabs_lines_per_species(ArrayOfArrayOfLineRecord)A list of spectral line data for each tag.
INabs_lineshape(ArrayOfLineshapeSpec)Lineshape specification: function, norm, cutoff.
INabs_cont_names(ArrayOfString)Continuum / full model absorption tag names.
INabs_cont_models(ArrayOfString)Continuum / full model absorption model description parameter.
INabs_cont_parameters(ArrayOfVector)Continuum model parameters.
INmc_seed(Index)The integer seed for the random number generator used by Monte Carlo methods.