ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method abs_scalar_gasExtractFromLookup


Extract scalar gas absorption coefficients from lookup table.

This extracts the absorption coefficient for all species in the
current calculation from the lookup table. Extraction is for one
specific atmospheric condition, i.e., a set of pressure, temperature,
VMR values, and Doppler shift.

Extraction can be either for a single frequency (f_index>=0), or for
all frequencies (f_index<0). The dimension of the output
abs_scalar_gas is adjusted accordingly.

The interpolation order in T and H2O is given by abs_t_interp_order
and abs_nls_interp_order, respectively.

Note that the treatment of the Doppler-shift here is approximate, since
there is a linear interpolation of absorption to a shifted frequency grid.
Due to this, with Doppler shift there will be an extrapolation on one edge
of the grid, where the spectrum is pushed out of the calculated range.
Use extpolfac to control how much extrapolation to tolerate before throwing
a runtime error. Default is to allow ten times the outermost grid distance.

See also: abs_scalar_gasCalcLBL.

Authors: Stefan Buehler


abs_scalar_gasExtractFromLookup( abs_scalar_gas, abs_lookup, abs_lookup_is_adapted, abs_p_interp_order, abs_t_interp_order, abs_nls_interp_order, f_index, rte_pressure, rte_temperature, rte_vmr_list, rte_doppler, extpolfac )


OUTabs_scalar_gas(Matrix)Scalar gas absorption coefficients.
INabs_lookup(GasAbsLookup)An absorption lookup table.
INabs_lookup_is_adapted(Index)Flag to indicate whether abs_lookupAdapt has already been called.
INabs_p_interp_order(Index)The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between pressure levels.
INabs_t_interp_order(Index)The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between the temperature values given by abs_t_pert.
INabs_nls_interp_order(Index)The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between the H2O values given by abs_nls_pert.
INf_index(Index)Frequency index.
INrte_pressure(Numeric)A pressure for radiative transfer calculations.
INrte_temperature(Numeric)A temperature for radiative transfer calculations.
INrte_vmr_list(Vector)A list of VMR values for radiative transfer calculations.
INrte_doppler(Numeric)A doppler shift for radiative transfer calculations.
GINextpolfac(Numeric, Default: 10)Extrapolation factor (for grid edge).