ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Method batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrixChevalAll
Expand batch of 1D atmospheric states to a batch_atm_fields_compact_all.
In contrast to batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix, this WSM
includes reading scattering particle profiles from the Chevallier
data set, stored in a matrix.
This WSM fully replaces batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix, since the
batch_atm_fields_compact without scattering particle profiles is also still
an output. It is needed for lookup table creation in WSM abs_lookupSetupBatch.
Please also see:batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix.
Row format:
p[Pa] T[K] z[m] LWC[kg/m3] IWC[kg/m3] Rain[kg/m2/s] Snow[kg/m2/s] VMR_1[fractional] ... VMR[fractional] IGNORE ... IGNORE
field_names : Field names to store in atm_fields_compact_all.
This should be, e.g.:
["T", "z", "LWC", "IWC", "Rain", "Snow", "H2O", "O3", "ignore"]
There must be one name less than matrix columns,
because the first column must contain pressure.
extra_field_names : You can add additional constant VMR fields,
which is handy for O2 and N2. Give here the
field name, e.g., "O2". Default: Empty.
extra_field_values : Give here the constant field value. Default:
Empty. Dimension must match extra_field_names.
Possible future changes:
Name should fit naming convention.
WSM abs_lookupSetupBatch could be edited to handle batch_atm_fields_compact
including scattering particles. Then two different batch_atm_fields_compacts
and two different atm_fields_compacts would no longer be necessary.
Authors: Daniel Kreyling