ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Method jacobianAddFreqShiftAndStretch
Includes a frequency fit in the Jacobian.
Retrieval of deviations between nominal and actual backend
frequencies can be included by this method. The calculations can be
performed in the following ways:
calcmode = "interp": Interpolation of monochromatic spectra,
shifted with *df* from nominal values.
The frequencies can be fitted with 1 or 2 variables. The first one
is a "shift". That is, an off-set common for all backend channels.
The second variable is "stretch", that is included only if
*do_stretch* is set to 1. The stretch is a frequency shift that goes
from -x at the first channel and increases linearly to reach x at
the last channel, where x is the retrieved value.
Authors: Patrick Eriksson