ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method opt_prop_sptFromData


Calculates opticle properties for the single particle types.

In this function the extinction matrix and the absorption vector
are calculated in the laboratory frame. An interpolation of the
data on the actual frequency is the first step in this function.
The next step is a transformation from the database coordinate
system to the laboratory coordinate system.

Output of the function are ext_mat_spt and abs_vec_spt which
hold the optical properties for a specified propagation direction
for each particle type.

Authors: Claudia Emde


opt_prop_sptFromData( ext_mat_spt, abs_vec_spt, scat_data_raw, scat_za_grid, scat_aa_grid, scat_za_index, scat_aa_index, f_index, f_grid, rte_temperature, pnd_field, scat_p_index, scat_lat_index, scat_lon_index )


OUText_mat_spt(Tensor3)Extinction matrix for a single particle type.
OUTabs_vec_spt(Matrix)Absorption vector for a single particle type.
INext_mat_spt(Tensor3)Extinction matrix for a single particle type.
INabs_vec_spt(Matrix)Absorption vector for a single particle type.
INscat_data_raw(ArrayOfSingleScatteringData)Raw data of single scattering data.
INscat_za_grid(Vector)Zenith angle grid.
INscat_aa_grid(Vector)Azimuthal angle grid.
INscat_za_index(Index)Zenith angle index for scattering calculations.
INscat_aa_index(Index)Azimuth angle index for scattering calculations.
INf_index(Index)Frequency index.
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INrte_temperature(Numeric)A temperature for radiative transfer calculations.
INpnd_field(Tensor4)Particle number density field.
INscat_p_index(Index)Pressure index for scattering calculations.
INscat_lat_index(Index)Latitude index for scattering calculations.
INscat_lon_index(Index)Longitude index for scattering calculations.