ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method pha_matExtractManually


A simple function for manually extract a single phase matrix.

The function returns the phase matrix for a single particle, for
scattering from (za_in,aa_in) to (za_out,aa_out).

Only a single particle type is handled and scat_data_raw must
have length 1. The frequency is selected by f_grid and f_index.
The temperature is set by rte_temperature.

Authors: Patrick Eriksson


pha_matExtractManually( pha_mat_single, f_grid, f_index, stokes_dim, scat_data_raw, rte_temperature, za_out, aa_out, za_in, aa_in )


GOUTpha_mat_single(Matrix)Phase matrix for a single frequency and combination of angles
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INf_index(Index)Frequency index.
INstokes_dim(Index)The dimensionality of the Stokes vector (1-4).
INscat_data_raw(ArrayOfSingleScatteringData)Raw data of single scattering data.
INrte_temperature(Numeric)A temperature for radiative transfer calculations.
GINza_out(Numeric)Outgoing zenith angle
GINaa_out(Numeric)Outgoing azimuth angle
GINza_in(Numeric)Incoming zenith angle
GINaa_in(Numeric)Incoming azimuth angle