ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method antenna_responseGaussian


Sets up a gaussian antenna response.

The method assumes that the response is the same for all
frequencies and polarisations, and that it can be modelled as

The grid generated is approximately
   si * [-xwidth_si:dx_si:xwidth_si]
where si is the standard deviation corresponding to the FWHM.
That is, width and spacing of the grid is specified in terms of
number of standard deviations. If xwidth_si is set to 2, the
response will cover about 95% the complete response. For
xwidth_si=3, about 99% is covered. If xwidth_si/dx_si is not
an integer, the end points of the grid are kept and the spacing
of the grid is reduced (ie. spacing is equal or smaller *dx_si*).

Authors: Patrick Eriksson


antenna_responseGaussian( antenna_response, fwhm, xwidth_si, dx_si )


OUTantenna_response(GriddedField4)The antenna pattern/response.
GINfwhm(Numeric)Full width at half-maximum
GINxwidth_si(Numeric, Default: 3)Half-width of response, in terms of std. dev.
GINdx_si(Numeric, Default: 0.1)Grid spacing, in terms of std. dev.