ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method dN_H11


Calculation of particle size distribution (dN/dD) following
a parametrization by Heymsfield (2011; unpublished).

A wrapper to internal particle size distribution calculation.
Heymsfield (2011) is an unpublished pre-version of
Heymsfield (2013). It is a globally valid parametrization for cloud
ice. The parametrization is in ambient atmospheric temperature over
particle size in terms of maximum dimension of the particles.
Provides only the shape of the number density disribution function.

For testing purposes mainly.

Authors: Jana Mendrok


dN_H11( dN, Dmax, t )


GOUTdN(Vector)size distribution number density
GINDmax(Vector)Maximum dimension of the particles [m]
GINt(Numeric)Ambient atmospheric temperature [K]