ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method dN_MH97


Calculation of particle size distribution (dN/dD) following
McFarquahar and Heymsfield (1997) parametrization.

A wrapper to internal particle size distribution calculation.
McFarquhar and Heymsfield (1997) is a parametrization for cloud
ice in the tropics. Parametrization is in ice water content (IWC)
and ambient atmospheric temperature over particle size in terms of
mass equivalent sphere diameter. McFarquhar and Heymsfield (1997)
additionally provide uncertainties of the distribution's
parameters, which can be used here to created perturbed
distributions (set *noisy* to 1). Provides number density
normalized to the given ice water content.

For testing purposes mainly.

Authors: Jana Mendrok


dN_MH97( dN, Dme, IWC, t, density, noisy )


GOUTdN(Vector)size distribution number density
GINDme(Vector)Mass equivalent sphere diameter of the particles [m]
GINIWC(Numeric)Atmospheric ice water content [kg/m3]
GINt(Numeric)Ambient atmospheric temperature [K]
GINdensity(Vector)Density of the particles [kg/m3]
GINnoisy(Index, Default: 0)Distribution parameter perturbance flag