ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method mc_antennaSetGaussianByFWHM


Makes mc_antenna (used by MCGeneral) a 2D Gaussian pattern.

The gaussian antenna pattern is determined by *za_fwhm* and
*aa_fwhm*, which represent the full width half maximum (FWHM)
of the antenna response, in the zenith and azimuthal planes.

Authors: Cory Davis


mc_antennaSetGaussianByFWHM( mc_antenna, za_fwhm, aa_fwhm )


OUTmc_antenna(MCAntenna)Antenna pattern description for dedicated MC calculaions.
GINza_fwhm(Numeric)Width in the zenith angle dimension as described above.
GINaa_fwhm(Numeric)Width in the azimuth angle dimension as described above.