ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Method pnd_fieldCalc
Interpolation of particle number density fields to calculation grid
inside cloudbox.
This method interpolates the particle number density field
from the raw data pnd_field_raw to obtain pnd_field.
For 1D cases, where internally GriddedFieldPRegrid and
GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid are applied, *zeropadding*=1 sets the
pnd_field at pressure levels levels exceeding pnd_field_raw's
pressure grid to 0 (not implemented for 2D and 3D yet). Default:
zeropadding=0, which throws an error if the calculation pressure grid
p_grid is not completely covered by pnd_field_raw's pressure grid.
Authors: Sreerekha T.R., Claudia Emde, Oliver Lemke