ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies


Copy propmat_clearsky from abs_coef_per_species. This is handy for putting an
explicit line-by-line calculation into the
propmat_clearsky_agenda. This method is also used internally by.
Like all other propmat_clearsky methods, this method does not overwrite
prior content of propmat_clearsky, but adds to it.

Authors: Stefan Buehler


propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies( propmat_clearsky, abs_coef_per_species )


OUT+INpropmat_clearsky(Tensor4)This contains the absorption coefficients for one point in the atmosphere (one set of pressure, temperature, magnetic field, and VMR values).
INabs_coef_per_species(ArrayOfMatrix)Scalar absorption coefficients individually per tag group.