ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method propmat_clearskyAddZeeman


Calculates Zeeman-effected absorption coefficients.

This method will, for each Zeeman species, make a local
ArrayOfLineRecord for the various transition types with Zeeman
altered LineRecord(s).  These are then composed into a single
ArrayOfArrayOfLineRecord which is processed as per the scalar case.

The line broadened absorption coefficients are finally multiplied with
the transition type rotation matrix and the new variable is inserted into
the out variable. Only species containing a -Z- tag are treated.

Note that between 55 GHz and 65 GHz there is usually ~700 O_2 lines,
however, when this Zeeman splitting method is used, the number of
lines is increased to about 45,000. Be aware that this is a time
consuming method.

The 'manual_zeeman*' variables will let the user set their own simple
magnetic field.  This path can be accessed by setting
*manual_zeeman_tag* different from zero.  The user is also advided to
read the theory guide to understand what the different variables will
do in the Zeeman theory.  Note that angles are in degrees and strength
in Tesla.

Authors: Richard Larsson


propmat_clearskyAddZeeman( propmat_clearsky, f_grid, abs_species, abs_lines_per_species, abs_lineshape, isotopologue_ratios, isotopologue_quantum, rtp_pressure, rtp_temperature, rtp_vmr, rtp_mag, rtp_los, atmosphere_dim, line_mixing_data, line_mixing_data_lut, manual_zeeman_tag, manual_zeeman_magnetic_field_strength, manual_zeeman_theta, manual_zeeman_eta )


OUT+INpropmat_clearsky(Tensor4)This contains the absorption coefficients for one point in the atmosphere (one set of pressure, temperature, magnetic field, and VMR values).
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INabs_species(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag)Tag groups for scalar gas absorption.
INabs_lines_per_species(ArrayOfArrayOfLineRecord)A list of spectral line data for each tag.
INabs_lineshape(ArrayOfLineshapeSpec)Lineshape specification: function, norm, cutoff.
INisotopologue_ratios(SpeciesAuxData)Isotopologue ratios.
INisotopologue_quantum(SpeciesAuxData)Quantum physical values for the Zeeman effect to work not easily available in other databases.
INrtp_pressure(Numeric)Pressure at a radiative transfer point.
INrtp_temperature(Numeric)Temperature at a radiative transfer point.
INrtp_vmr(Vector)Absorption species abundances for radiative transfer calculations.
INrtp_mag(Vector)Magnetic field at a radiative transfer point.
INrtp_los(Vector)Line-of-sight at a radiative transfer point.
INatmosphere_dim(Index)The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).
INline_mixing_data(ArrayOfArrayOfLineMixingRecord)Line mixing data.
INline_mixing_data_lut(ArrayOfArrayOfIndex)Lookup table to match the LineRecords in abs_lines_per_species to entries in the line mixing data stored in line_mixing_data.
GINmanual_zeeman_tag(Index, Default: 0)Manual angles tag
GINmanual_zeeman_magnetic_field_strength(Numeric, Default: 1.0)Manual Magnetic Field Strength
GINmanual_zeeman_theta(Numeric, Default: 0.0)Manual theta given positive tag
GINmanual_zeeman_eta(Numeric, Default: 0.0)Manual eta given positive tag