ARTS built-in documentation server
Agenda doit_conv_test_agenda
Compute the convergence test. The method cloudbox_field_monoIterate solves the VRTE iteratively.This method requires a convergence test. The user can choose different convergence tests which are to be defined in this agenda. Possible workspace methods are: doit_conv_flagAbs: Calculates the absolute differences for each Stokes component separately. doit_conv_flagAbsBT: Same as above, but the convergence limit can be specified in Kelvin BT (Rayleigh Jeans). doit_conv_flagLsq: Least square convergence test. Not recommended because result can be inaccurate.
Group: Agenda
OUT | doit_conv_flag | (Index) | Flag for the convergence test. |
OUT | doit_iteration_counter | (Index) | Counter for number of iterations. |
IN | doit_conv_flag | (Index) | Flag for the convergence test. |
IN | doit_iteration_counter | (Index) | Counter for number of iterations. |
IN | cloudbox_field_mono | (Tensor6) | Monochromatic radiation field inside the cloudbox. |
IN | cloudbox_field_mono_old | (Tensor6) | As cloudbox_field_mono but from previous iteration. |
Specific methods that can generate doit_conv_test_agenda
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate doit_conv_test_agenda
Specific methods that require doit_conv_test_agenda
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use doit_conv_test_agenda
- AgendaAppend
- AgendaExecute
- AgendaExecuteExclusive
- Append
- Copy
- Delete
- Ignore
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate doit_conv_test_agenda
- none
Agendas that require doit_conv_test_agenda
- none