ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method AngularGridsSetFluxCalc


Sets the angular grids for the calculation of radiation fluxes
(irradiance) per hemispheres and heating rates

This method sets the angular grids for the radiation fluxes type
calculations and calculates the integration weights za_grid_weights
for the zenith angle integration. For down- und up-looking
geometries it suffices to define *N_za_grid* and
*N_aa_grid*. From *N_aa_grid* an equally spaced grid is
created and stored in the WSVaa_grid.
Depending on the desired *za_grid_type* za_grid will be
equally spaced ('linear') or unequally ('linear_mu','double_gauss')
Important, *N_za_grid* must be an even number because for the 
integration over each hemisphere *N_za_grid* / 2 zenith angles are needed.

Possible zenith angle grid types are:
double_gauss:     The zenith grid and the integration weights are set according
                  to a gauss-legendre integration for each hemispheres.
linear:           Equally space grid between 0 deg and 180 deg including the poles
linear_mu:        Similar to 'linear' but equally spaced for cos(180 deg) to cos(0 deg),
                  which results a unequally spaced angular grid

Authors: Manfred Brath


AngularGridsSetFluxCalc( za_grid, aa_grid, za_grid_weights, N_za_grid, N_aa_grid, za_grid_type )


OUTza_grid(Vector)Zenith angle grid.
OUTaa_grid(Vector)Azimuthal angle grid.
GINN_za_grid(Index, Default: 2)Number of zenith angles
GINN_aa_grid(Index, Default: 1)Number of azimuth angles
GINza_grid_type(String, Default: "linear_mu")Zenith angle grid type