ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method AtmFieldPRegrid


Interpolates the input field along the pressure dimension from
*p_grid_old* to to *p_grid_new*.

Extrapolation is allowed within the common 0.5grid-step margin.
in and out fields can be the same variable.

Authors: Jana Mendrok


AtmFieldPRegrid( out, in, p_grid_new, p_grid_old, interp_order )


GOUTout(Tensor3, Tensor4)Regridded atmospheric field.
GINin(Tensor3, Tensor4)Input atmospheric field.
GINp_grid_new(Vector)Pressure grid to regrid to
GINp_grid_old(Vector)Pressure grid of input field
GINinterp_order(Index, Default: 1)Interpolation order.