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Workspace Method SurfaceTessem


TESSEM sea surface microwave emissivity parametrization.

The variable surface_props_data must contain these data:
  "Water skin temperature"
  "Wind speed"

This method computes surface emissivity and reflectivity matrices for
ocean surfaces using the TESSEM emissivity model: Prigent, C., et al.
Sea-surface emissivity parametrization from microwaves to millimetre
waves, QJRMS, 2017, 143.702: 596-605.

The validity range of the parametrization of is 10 to 700 GHz, but for
some extra flexibility frequencies between 5 and 900 GHz are accepted.
The accepted temperaute range for water skin temperature is
[260.0 K, 373.0 K]. Salinity shall be in the range [0,1]. That is, a
salinity of 3% is given as 0.03.

The model itself is represented by the neural networks in
tessem_neth and tessem_netv.

Authors: Simon Pfreundschuh, Patrick Eriksson


SurfaceTessem( surface_los, surface_rmatrix, dsurface_rmatrix_dx, surface_emission, dsurface_emission_dx, stokes_dim, atmosphere_dim, lat_grid, lon_grid, f_grid, rtp_pos, rtp_los, tessem_neth, tessem_netv, surface_props_data, surface_props_names, dsurface_names, jacobian_do )


OUTsurface_los(Matrix)Downwelling radiation directions to consider in surface reflection.
OUTsurface_rmatrix(Tensor4)The reflection coefficients for the directions given by surface_los to the direction of interest.
OUT+INdsurface_rmatrix_dx(ArrayOfTensor4)The derivative of surface_rmatrix with respect to quantities listed in dsurface_names.
OUTsurface_emission(Matrix)The emission from the surface.
OUT+INdsurface_emission_dx(ArrayOfMatrix)The derivative of surface_emission with respect to quantities listed in dsurface_names.
INstokes_dim(Index)The dimensionality of the Stokes vector (1-4).
INatmosphere_dim(Index)The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).
INlat_grid(Vector)The latitude grid.
INlon_grid(Vector)The longitude grid.
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INrtp_pos(Vector)Position of a radiative transfer point.
INrtp_los(Vector)Line-of-sight at a radiative transfer point.
INtessem_neth(TessemNN)TESSEM2 neural network parameters for horizontal polarization.
INtessem_netv(TessemNN)TESSEM2 neural network parameters for vertical polarization.
INsurface_props_data(Tensor3)Various surface properties.
INsurface_props_names(ArrayOfString)Name on surface properties found in surface_props_data.
INdsurface_names(ArrayOfString)Name of surface retrieval quantities.
INjacobian_do(Index)Flag to activate (clear-sky) Jacobian calculations.