ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method abs_linesSetCutoff


Sets cutoff type and magnitude for all lines.

The line is cut off when this is active at the given frequency.
The only non-zero range is from this range to its negative equivalent

Available options:
	"None"   	 - 	 No cutoff
	"ByLine" 	 - 	 Cutoff relative line center, highest frequency: F0+cutoff
	"ByBand" 	 - 	 Absolute frequency, highest frequency: cutoff

For "ByLine", the negative frequency is at F0-cutoff
For "ByBand", the negative frequency is at cutoff minus twice the average band frequency

Authors: Richard Larsson


abs_linesSetCutoff( abs_lines, option, value )


OUT+INabs_lines(ArrayOfAbsorptionLines)A list of spectral line data.
GINoption(String)Method of line shape calculations
GINvalue(Numeric)Value of cutoff