ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method jacobianAddScatSpecies


Includes a scattering species in the Jacobian.

For 1D or 2D calculations the latitude and/or longitude grid of
the retrieval field should set to have zero length.

The number of elements added to the state vector (x) is:
   n_g1 * n_g2 * n_g3
where n_g1, n_g2 and n_g3 are the length of GIN *g1*, *g2* and *g3*,
respectively. Here empty vectors should be considered to have a length 1.
The elements are sorted with pressure as innermost loop, followed by
latitude and longitude as outermost loop.

Authors: Patrick Eriksson


jacobianAddScatSpecies( jacobian_quantities, jacobian_agenda, atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid, g1, g2, g3, species, quantity )


OUT+INjacobian_quantities(ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity)The retrieval quantities in the Jacobian matrix.
OUT+INjacobian_agenda(Agenda)Pure numerical Jacobian calculation agenda.
INatmosphere_dim(Index)The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).
INp_grid(Vector)The pressure grid.
INlat_grid(Vector)The latitude grid.
INlon_grid(Vector)The longitude grid.
GINg1(Vector)Pressure retrieval grid.
GINg2(Vector)Latitude retrieval grid.
GINg3(Vector)Longitude retreival grid.
GINspecies(String)Name of scattering species, must match one element in scat_species.
GINquantity(String)Retrieval quantity, e.g. "IWC".