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Workspace Method jacobianAddWind


Includes one atmospheric wind component in the Jacobian.

The method follows the pattern of other Jacobian methods. The
calculations can only be performed by analytic expressions.
Some lower level function depends on frequency perturbations,
however, so therefore a frequency perturbation df is required
and as a consequence abs_f_interp_order must be > 0.

The wind field components are retrieved separately, and,
hence, the argument *component* can be "u", "v" or "w" 
for vector components, or just "strength" for total wind speed.

The number of elements added to the state vector (x) is:
   n_g1 * n_g2 * n_g3
where n_g1, n_g2 and n_g3 are the length of GIN *g1*, *g2* and *g3*,
respectively. Here empty vectors should be considered to have a length 1.
The elements are sorted with pressure as innermost loop, followed by
latitude and longitude as outermost loop.

Authors: Patrick Eriksson


jacobianAddWind( jacobian_quantities, jacobian_agenda, atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid, g1, g2, g3, component, dfrequency )


OUT+INjacobian_quantities(ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity)The retrieval quantities in the Jacobian matrix.
OUT+INjacobian_agenda(Agenda)Pure numerical Jacobian calculation agenda.
INatmosphere_dim(Index)The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).
INp_grid(Vector)The pressure grid.
INlat_grid(Vector)The latitude grid.
INlon_grid(Vector)The longitude grid.
GINg1(Vector)Pressure retrieval grid.
GINg2(Vector)Latitude retrieval grid.
GINg3(Vector)Longitude retrieval grid.
GINcomponent(String, Default: "v")Wind component to retrieve
GINdfrequency(Numeric, Default: 0.1)This is the frequency perturbation