ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method jacobianCalcFreqStretch


Calculates frequency stretch jacobians by interpolation
of iyb.

This function is added to jacobian_agenda by jacobianAddFreqStretch
and should normally not be called by the user.

Authors: Patrick Eriksson


jacobianCalcFreqStretch( jacobian, mblock_index, iyb, yb, stokes_dim, f_grid, mblock_dlos_grid, sensor_response, sensor_response_pol_grid, sensor_response_f_grid, sensor_response_dlos_grid, jacobian_quantities )


OUT+INjacobian(Matrix)The Jacobian matrix.
INmblock_index(Index)Measurement block index.
INiyb(Vector)Monochromatic pencil beam data for one measurement block.
INyb(Vector)The measurement vector for a single measurement block.
INstokes_dim(Index)The dimensionality of the Stokes vector (1-4).
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INmblock_dlos_grid(Matrix)The set of angular pencil beam directions for each measurement block.
INsensor_response(Sparse)The matrix modelling the total sensor response.
INsensor_response_pol_grid(ArrayOfIndex)The "polarisation grid" associated with sensor_response.
INsensor_response_f_grid(Vector)The frequency grid associated with sensor_response.
INsensor_response_dlos_grid(Matrix)The zenith and azimuth angles associated with sensor_response.
INjacobian_quantities(ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity)The retrieval quantities in the Jacobian matrix.