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Workspace Method mblock_dlos_gridUniformCircular
Gives mblock_dlos_grid roughly circular coverage, with uniform spacing.
The method considers points on a regular grid with a spacing set by
GIN *spacing*. All points inside a radius from (0,0) are included in
mblock_dlos_grid. The positions in mblock_dlos_grid thus covers
a roughly circular domain, and cover the same solid beam angle.
The radius is adjusted according to *spacing' and *centre*, but is
ensured to be >= *width*.
Note that the method assumes that width is small and the solid beam
angle does not change with distance from (0.0).
Defualt is to consider grid positions of ..., -spacing/2, spacing/2, ...
If you want to have (0,0) as a point in mblock_dlos_grid, change
*centre* from its default value.
Authors: Patrick Eriksson
OUT | mblock_dlos_grid | (Matrix) | The set of angular pencil beam directions for each measurement block. |
GIN | spacing | (Numeric) | The angular spacing between points. |
GIN | width | (Numeric) | The minimum distance from (0,0) to cover. |
GIN | centre | (Index, Default: 0) | Set to 1 to place a point at (0,0). |