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Workspace Method psdMcFarquaharHeymsfield97
McFarquahar and Heymsfield [1997] particle size distribution
for cloud ice.
This is a 1-parameter PSD, i.e. pnd_agenda_input shall have one
column and pnd_agenda_input_names shall contain a single string.
The input data in pnd_agenda_input shall be ice hydrometeor mass
content in unit of [kg/m3]. The naming used is pnd_agenda_input_names
is free but the same name must be used in particle_bulkprop_names and
psd_size_grid shall contain size in terms of volume equivalent diameter.
Derivatives are obtained by perturbation of 0.1%, but not less than
1e-9 kg/m3.
The validity range of mass content is not limited. Negative mass
contents will produce negative psd values following a distribution
given by abs(IWC), ie. abs(psd)=f(abs(IWC)).
If temperature is outside [*t_min*,*t_max*] psd=0 and dpsd=0 if
picky=0, or an error is thrown if picky=1.
For temperatures below *t_min_psd*, the size distribution is
calculated for T = *t_min_psd*. Likewise, for temperatures above
*t_max_psd*, the distribution is derived for T = *t_max_psd*.
Defaults of *t_min_psd* and *t_max_psd* were set considering that
the parametrization has been derived from measurements over
temperatures of -70C to -20C.
The noisy option can not be used together with calculation of
derivatives (ie. when dpnd_data_dx_names is not empty).
Authors: Patrick Eriksson, Jana Mendrok
psdMcFarquaharHeymsfield97( | psd_data, dpsd_data_dx, psd_size_grid, pnd_agenda_input_t, pnd_agenda_input, pnd_agenda_input_names, dpnd_data_dx_names, scat_species_a, scat_species_b, t_min, t_max, t_min_psd, t_max_psd, picky, noisy ) |