ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method surface_rtpropCallAgendaX


Switch between the elements of surface_rtprop_agenda_array.

This method simply calls the agenda matching surface_type and
returns the results. That is, the agenda in surface_rtprop_agenda_array
with index surface_type (0-based) is called.

Authors: Patrick Eriksson


surface_rtpropCallAgendaX( surface_skin_t, surface_los, surface_rmatrix, surface_emission, f_grid, rtp_pos, rtp_los, surface_rtprop_agenda_array, surface_type, surface_type_aux )


OUTsurface_skin_t(Numeric)Surface skin temperature.
OUTsurface_los(Matrix)Downwelling radiation directions to consider in surface reflection.
OUTsurface_rmatrix(Tensor4)The reflection coefficients for the directions given by surface_los to the direction of interest.
OUTsurface_emission(Matrix)The emission from the surface.
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INrtp_pos(Vector)Position of a radiative transfer point.
INrtp_los(Vector)Line-of-sight at a radiative transfer point.
INsurface_rtprop_agenda_array(ArrayOfAgenda)Description of surface radiative properties, divided into surface types.
INsurface_type(Index)Local surface type value.
INsurface_type_aux(Numeric)Auxiliary variable to surface_type.