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Workspace Method yApplySensorPol
Extraction of arbitrary linear polarisation.
This method shall be called after yCalc and then applies sensor_pol
on the outout of yCalc. See sensor_pol for definition of the
polarisation responses. THe sensor_response give to yCalc can not
contain any polarisation response, it must maintain original Stokes
elelemnts. The value of stokes_dim muist be >= 3.
The values in sensor_pol are applied on y, and jacobian if relevant.
y_pol is set following the values in sensor_pol but is rounded to
an integer value. Remaining data associated with y (e.g. y_pos) are
set to the value matching the first Stokes element.
Authors: Patrick Eriksson
yApplySensorPol( | y, y_f, y_pol, y_pos, y_los, y_aux, y_geo, jacobian, stokes_dim, jacobian_do, sensor_pos, sensor_pol ) |