ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Variable met_mm_polarisation

The polarisation for meteorological millimeter instruments.

This array must match the number and order of channels in

Possible values:
V: Vertical polarisation
H: Horizontal polarisation
LHC: Left-hand circular polarisation
RHC: Right-hand circular polarisation
AMSU-V: Vertical polarisation dependening on AMSU zenith angle
AMSU-H: Horizontal polarisation dependening on AMSU zenith angle
ISMAR-V: Vertical polarisation dependening on ISMAR zenith angle
ISMAR-H: Horizontal polarisation dependening on AMSU zenith angle

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit:  [ String ]

Size:  [ number of channels ]

Group: ArrayOfString

Specific methods that can generate met_mm_polarisation

Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate met_mm_polarisation

Specific methods that require met_mm_polarisation

Generic and supergeneric methods that can use met_mm_polarisation

Agendas that can generate met_mm_polarisation

Agendas that require met_mm_polarisation