ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable ppvar_optical_depth
The optical depth between the sensor and each point of the propagation path. Returned as the one-way optical depth even in the case of radar simulations. Just a scalar value, i.e. no polarisation information is provided. See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type. Dimension: [, f_grid] Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.
Group: Matrix
Specific methods that can generate ppvar_optical_depth
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate ppvar_optical_depth
- MatrixCreate
- AddZaAa
- Append
- Copy
- covmat1D
- covmat1DMarkov
- covmat1DMarkov
- covmatDiagonal
- covmatDiagonal
- DiagonalMatrix
- DiffZaAa
- Extract
- FastemStandAlone
- FieldFromGriddedField
- Flatten
- MatrixAddScalar
- MatrixCBR
- MatrixCopySparse
- MatrixExtractFromTensor3
- MatrixFromCovarianceMatrix
- MatrixIdentity
- MatrixMatrixMultiply
- MatrixPlanck
- MatrixScale
- MatrixSet
- MatrixSetConstant
- MatrixUnitIntensity
- Matrix1ColFromVector
- Matrix2ColFromVectors
- Matrix3ColFromVectors
- Matrix1RowFromVector
- Matrix2RowFromVectors
- Matrix3RowFromVectors
- ReadNetCDF
- ReadXML
- ReadXMLIndexed
- Reduce
- Select
- telsemStandalone
- Touch
Specific methods that require ppvar_optical_depth
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use ppvar_optical_depth
- abs_nlteFromRaw
- AddZaAa
- Append
- atm_fields_compactFromMatrix
- cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq
- Compare
- Compare
- CompareRelative
- CompareRelative
- Copy
- covmat_seAddBlock
- covmat_seAddInverseBlock
- covmat_seSet
- covmat_sxSet
- covmat_sxAddBlock
- covmat_sxAddInverseBlock
- Delete
- DiffZaAa
- Ignore
- InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition
- jacobianSetAffineTransformation
- MatrixAddScalar
- MatrixMatrixMultiply
- MatrixScale
- MatrixSet
- MatrixVectorMultiply
- ncolsGet
- nrowsGet
- Reduce
- Select
- sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions
- VectorExtractFromMatrix
- VectorMatrixMultiply
- VectorReshapeMatrix
- WriteNetCDF
- WriteNetCDFIndexed
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate ppvar_optical_depth
- none
Agendas that require ppvar_optical_depth
- none