ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Variable surface_type_mask

Classification of the surface using a type coding.

This variable gives a description of the surface using a type class
coding. A common term for such a variable is "surface mask".

The mask is a latitude and longtide field. The mask values are
floating numbers, where the integer part is the type and the remainder
can be used to provide auxilary information. In terms of the local
variables, the mask values equal surface_type + surface_type_aux.

There is no fixed type coding, it is up to the user to set up
a consistent system. The critical point is in the agendas
matching each surface type, that are denoted as iy_surface_sub_agendaX
where X is the surface_type index.

The surface type can be any integer (>=0) for which a corresponding
agenda exists.

      Vector Latitude [N_lat]
      Vector Longitude [N_lon]
      Matrix data [N_lat][N_lon]

Group: GriddedField2

Specific methods that can generate surface_type_mask

Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate surface_type_mask

Specific methods that require surface_type_mask

Generic and supergeneric methods that can use surface_type_mask

Agendas that can generate surface_type_mask

Agendas that require surface_type_mask