ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable wind_v_field_raw
Raw meridional component of the magnetic field. The North-South wind component. Air moving towards higher latitudes is a positive wind. Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero wind speed everywhere. Unit: m/s Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ]
Group: GriddedField3
Specific methods that can generate wind_v_field_raw
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate wind_v_field_raw
- GriddedField3Create
- Copy
- Extract
- GriddedFieldLatLonExpand
- GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid
- GriddedFieldPRegrid
- GriddedFieldZToPRegrid
- ReadXML
- ReadXMLIndexed
- Touch
Specific methods that require wind_v_field_raw
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use wind_v_field_raw
- Append
- atm_fields_compactAddSpecies
- atm_fields_compactCreateFromField
- batch_atm_fields_compactAddSpecies
- Compare
- Compare
- Copy
- Delete
- FieldFromGriddedField
- GriddedFieldGetName
- GriddedFieldLatLonExpand
- GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid
- GriddedFieldPRegrid
- GriddedFieldZToPRegrid
- Ignore
- lat_gridFromRawField
- lon_gridFromRawField
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate wind_v_field_raw
- none
Agendas that require wind_v_field_raw
- none