Source code for pyarts.xml

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module provides functionality for reading and writing ARTS XML files.

import gzip
import glob
import itertools
import os
from os.path import isfile, join, basename, splitext, dirname

from . import read
from . import write

__all__ = [

[docs]def save(var, filename, precision='.7e', format='ascii', comment=None, parents=False): """Save a variable to an ARTS XML file. Args: var: Variable to be stored. filename (str): Name of output XML file. If the name ends in .gz, the file is compressed on the fly. precision (str): Format for output precision. format (str): Output format: 'ascii' (default) or 'binary'. comment (str): Comment string included in a tag above data. parents (bool): Create missing parent directories. Note: Python's gzip module is extremely slow in writing. Consider compressing files manually after writing them normally. Example: >>> x = numpy.array([1.,2.,3.]) >>>, 'myvector.xml') """ if parents: os.makedirs(dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) if filename.endswith('.gz'): if format != 'ascii': raise RuntimeError( 'For zipped files, the output format must be "ascii"') xmlopen = else: xmlopen = open with xmlopen(filename, mode='wt', encoding='UTF-8') as fp: if format == 'binary': with open(filename + '.bin', mode='wb') as binaryfp: axw = write.ARTSXMLWriter(fp, precision=precision, binaryfp=binaryfp) axw.write_header() if comment is not None: axw.write_comment(comment) axw.write_xml(var) axw.write_footer() elif format == 'ascii': axw = write.ARTSXMLWriter(fp, precision=precision) axw.write_header() if comment is not None: axw.write_comment(comment) axw.write_xml(var) axw.write_footer() else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown output format "{}".'.format(format))
[docs]def load(filename): """Load a variable from an ARTS XML file. The input file can be either a plain or gzipped XML file Args: filename (str): Name of ARTS XML file. Returns: Data from the XML file. Type depends on data in file. Example: >>> pyarts.xml.load('tests/reference/matrix.xml') array([[ 0., 1.], [ 2., 3.]]) """ # If file is not found, try the gzipped version. if not isfile(filename): if not isfile(filename + '.gz'): raise FileNotFoundError("No such file: '{}'".format(filename)) else: filename += '.gz' if filename.endswith('.gz'): xmlopen = else: xmlopen = open binaryfilename = filename + '.bin' with xmlopen(filename, 'rb') as fp: if isfile(binaryfilename): with open(binaryfilename, 'rb',) as binaryfp: return read.parse(fp, binaryfp).getroot().value() else: return read.parse(fp).getroot().value()
[docs]def load_directory(directory, exclude=None): """Load all XML files in a given directory. Search given directory for files with ``.xml`` or ``.xml.gz`` extension and try to load them using :func:`load`. Parameters: directory (str): Path to the directory. exclude (Container[str]): Filenames to exclude. Returns: dict: Filenames without extension are keys for the file content. Example: Load all files in ``foo`` except for the lookup table in ``abs_lookup.xml.`` >>> load_directory('foo', exclude=['abs_lookup.xml']) """ def includefile(f): """Check if to include file.""" return basename(f) not in exclude if exclude is not None else True def stripext(f): """Strip the extension of a filename.""" return splitext(f)[0] # Create a generator yielding all XML files to load (not excluded). xmlfiles = filter(includefile, glob.iglob(join(directory, '*.xml'))) # Remove extension from zipped files to keep dictionary keys clean. # The `load` function looks for zipped files anyway. gzfiles = filter(includefile, glob.iglob(join(directory, '*.xml.gz'))) gzfiles = map(stripext, gzfiles) # Store XML file contents in a dictionary, using the filename as key. return {stripext(basename(f)): load(f) for f in itertools.chain(xmlfiles, gzfiles)}
[docs]def load_indexed(filename): """Load all indexed XML files matching the given filename. The function searches all files matching the pattern ``<filename>.<file_index>.xml`` or ``<filename>.<file_index>.xml.gz``. A list with the loaded file contents is returned. The list indices are equivalent to the file indices. Parameters: filename (str): Filename. Returns: list: List of file contents. Example: Load all files matching the pattern ``foo.<file_index>.xml``. >>> load_indexed_xml('foo') """ iidx = -2 # Relative position of fileindex in splitted filename. # Get all files matching the indexed filename format. files = glob.glob('{}.*.xml'.format(filename)) # If no files are found, try the gzipped version. if len(files) == 0: files = glob.glob('{}.*.xml.gz'.format(filename)) iidx = -3 # Correct fileindex position for gzipped files. # Extract indices from filenames. maxindex = max(int(x.split('.')[iidx]) for x in files) # Pre-allocate a list according to the maximum index found. ret = (maxindex + 1) * [None] # Fill list with file contents (file index matching list index). for f in files: findex = int(f.split('.')[iidx]) ret[findex] = load(f) return ret
[docs]def make_binary(filename, out='', absolute_out=False, parents=True): """Loads xml-file at filename and saves it back in binary format Parameters: filename (str): Filename path. out (str): Path to save the binary. Empty causes overwrite of file. absolute_out (bool): If true, then write file to out-path rather than to the relative path out. Does nothing if file is in the working folder and out is relative. parents (bool): Create missing parent directories. Returns: str: Path to the created binary file. Example: Load t_field.xml and save it back as binary it as ./binary/t_field.xml and ./binary/t_field.bin >>> make_binary('t_field.xml', out='binary') 'binary/t_field.xml' """ xml_data = load(filename) if absolute_out: outfile = join(out, basename(filename)) else: outfile = join(dirname(filename), out, basename(filename)) save(xml_data, outfile, format='binary', parents=parents) return outfile
[docs]def make_directory_binary(directory, out='', absolute_out=False, parents=True): """Loads xml-files in directory and saves them back in binary format Parameters: directory (str): Directory path. out (str): Path to save the binary. absolute_out (bool): If true, then write file to out-path rather than to the relative path out. Does nothing if file is in the working folder and out is relative. parents (bool): Create missing parent directories. Returns: list[str]: Paths to the created binary files. Example: Load arts-xml-data/spectroscopy/cia/hitran2011/ and save it back as binary it at arts-xml-data-binary/spectroscopy/cia/hitran2011/ >>> make_directory_binary('arts-xml-data/spectroscopy/cia/hitran2011', out='arts-xml-data-binary/spectroscopy/cia/hitran2011', absolute_out=True) ['arts-xml-data-binary/spectroscopy/cia/hitran2011/hitran_cia2012_adapted.xml'] """ directory_of_xmls = load_directory(directory) outfiles = [] # Empty list to store output filepaths. if absolute_out: get_outfile = join(out, '{entry}.xml') else: get_outfile = join(directory, out, '{entry}.xml') for entry in directory_of_xmls: outfile = get_outfile.format(entry=entry) save(directory_of_xmls[entry], outfile, format='binary', parents=parents) outfiles.append(outfile) return outfiles