

Parse python method as ARTS agenda

This decorator can be used to define ARTS agendas using python function syntax. The function should have one arguments which is assumed to be a Workspace instance. All expressions inside the function must be calls to ARTS WSMs. The result is an Agenda object that can be used to copied into a named ARTS agenda


>>> @arts_agenda
>>> def inversion_iterate_agenda(ws):
>>>     ws.x2artsStandard()
>>>     ws.atmfields_checkedCalc()
>>>     ws.atmgeom_checkedCalc()
>>>     ws.yCalc()
>>>     ws.VectorAddVector(ws.yf, ws.y, ws.y_baseline)
>>>     ws.jacobianAdjustAfterIteration()
>>> ws.Copy(ws.inversion_iterate_agenda, inversion_iterate_agenda)