
class pyarts.xsec.XsecRecord(species=None, coeffs=None, fmin=None, fmax=None, refpressure=None, reftemperature=None, xsec=None, tfit_slope=None, tfit_intersect=None)[source]

XsecRecord implements the same-named ARTS datatype.

Contains the reference cross section data at low pressure and the coefficients for the broadening formula.

__init__(species=None, coeffs=None, fmin=None, fmax=None, refpressure=None, reftemperature=None, xsec=None, tfit_slope=None, tfit_intersect=None)[source]

Initialize XsecRecord object.


__init__([species, coeffs, fmin, fmax, …])

Initialize XsecRecord object.


Loads a XsecRecord object from an xml.ElementTree.Element.

write_xml(xmlwriter[, attr])

Write a XsecRecord object to an ARTS XML file.