Lines ===== .. code-block:: python :name: Lines :linenos: """ This file will showcase how you can load line data from arts-cat-data into the workspace and do the required setups to perform a simple forward calculations using this data """ import pyarts import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Initialize ARTS ws = pyarts.workspace.Workspace() """ Download ARTS catalogs if they are not already present. """ """ Set ws.abs_species to the species tags that you wish to use. Pure line-by-line calculations sets the species by an expanded form of the AFGL tag system in ARTS. This example sets the isotopologue to O16-O16, "O2-66", to include all lines of said isotopologue into the absorption species tag list There are many ways to customize this tag. The following things are examples of what is possible: 1) Change "O2-66" to "O2". Consequence: Not just the O2-66 isotopologue is included in the absorption species tag list but all molecular oxygen lines are included. Note that "O2-*" is the same thing as "O2". 2) Change "O2-66" into "O2-66,O2-68". Consequence: Not just O2-66 but also the O16-O18 isotopologue is included as the first species tag. Note that for forward calculation purposes, writing ["O2-66,O2-68"] or ["O2-66", "O2-68"] includes the same lines but changes the layout of ws.abs_lines_per_species 3) Change "O2-66" into "O2-66-40e9-120e9". Consequence: Still only the O2-66 isotopologue is considered, but all lines below 40 GHz and all lines above 120 GHz are considered part of another species tag. Note that you can write your list as ["O2-66-40e9-120e9,O2-66"] to still include all lines, though this would in this particular example be a trivial waste of time 4) Change "O2-66" to "O2-Z-66". Consequence: You will activate Zeeman effect calculations for O2-66. Warning: Zeeman effect calculations are slow because they require several times more calls to core line-by-line functions. Note that one way to speed up these calculations is to combine the tags with one of the examples above. If you write your list of species tags as ["O2-Z-66-110e9-120e9", "O2-66"], only absorption lines between 110 and 120 GHz will be treated as Zeeman-affected, but the rest of the lines are still included in the calculations. 5) Change ["O2-66"] to ["O2-66", "H2O-161"]. Consequence: The water isotopologue H1-O16-H1 is added to your list of line-by-line absorption species. Note that you can add as many species as you wish. Also note that you are not allowed to write "O2-66,H2O-161" but must separate this as written at the top of this listitem. 5) Change ["O2-66"] to ["O2-66", "O2"]. Consequence: All oxygen lines are in your list of line-by-line absorption species. Note that you can add as many species as you wish. Also note that you are allowed to write "O2-66,O2". """ ws.abs_speciesSet(species=["O2-66"]) """ Load the line data of the absorption tags defined in ws.abs_species into the ARTS line catalog at ws.abs_lines_per_species The line data file is expected to be named as a line-by-line species tag. So for our species tag of "O2-66" above, the reading routine will look for the file name "lines/O2-66.xml". The search paths for these files prefer paths relative to the current working directory above this available elsewhere on the system. However, "lines/O2-66.xml" does exist in a fully up-to-date version of arts-cat-data (if you ARTS version is recent enough) so it is likely that this is the file that is selected for reading. The resulting ws.abs_lines_per_species will have outer size 1, len(ws.abs_lines_per_species.value) == 1, after running this file as provided because the size and shape of ws.abs_species is linked to the size and shape of ws.abs_lines_per_species. If you change your tags following one of the examples above, the following are the consequences: 1) Change "O2-66" to "O2". ws.abs_lines_per_species will now contain not just O2-66 lines but also other isotopologues. The len of ws.abs_lines_per_species will not change. 2) Change "O2-66" into "O2-66,O2-68". ws.abs_lines_per_species will now contain not just O2-66 lines but also lines of O2-68. If written as ["O2-66,O2-68"] the len of ws.abs_lines_per_species will not change. If written as ["O2-66", "O2-68"] the len of ws.abs_lines_per_species is now 2. 3) Change "O2-66" into "O2-66-40e9-120e9". This will simply limit the number of lines in the line catalog. 4) Change "O2-66" to "O2-Z-66". The line catalog will look exactly the same but the calculations inside will change significantly 5) Change ["O2-66"] to ["O2-66", "H2O-161"]. The len of ws.abs_lines_per_species is now 2 as the first entry are lines of O2-66 and the second entry are lines of H2O-161 6) Change ["O2-66"] to ["O2-66", "O2"]. The len of ws.abs_lines_per_species is now 2 as the first entry are lines of O2-66 and the second entry are all other lines of O2. Note therefore that ["O2", "O2-66"] also has the len 2, but that all lines are now in the first entry. """ ws.abs_lines_per_speciesReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(basename="lines/") """ With abs_species and abs_lines_per_species both defined, you can (and must) confirm that the input is proper by setting lbl_checked to 1. This is safely done using: """ ws.lbl_checkedCalc() """ You should generally always call this after you are done setting up your ws.abs_species and ws.abs_lines_per_species. It will deal with the internal ARTS setup for you. Note that the flag use_abs_lookup=1 can be passed to this method call to set up the agenda for USING the the lookup-table. Without the flag, ARTS should be configured correctly either 1) to compute the lookup-table, or to 2) compute the absorption on-the-fly """ ws.propmat_clearsky_agendaAuto() """ Compute absorption Now we can use the propmat_clearsky_agenda to compute the absorption of O2-66. We can also use this agenda in more complicated setups that might require absorption calculations, but that is for other examples To just execute the agenda we need to still define its both its inputs and the inputs required to initialize the propagation matrix """ ws.jacobian_quantities = [] # No derivatives ws.select_abs_species = [] # All species ws.f_grid = np.linspace(40e9, 120e9, 1001) # Frequencies between 40 and 120 GHz ws.rtp_mag = [] # No magnetic field ws.rtp_los = [] # No particular LOS ws.rtp_pressure = 1e5 # At 1 bar ws.rtp_temperature = 295 # At room temperature ws.rtp_nlte = pyarts.arts.EnergyLevelMap() # No NLTE ws.rtp_vmr = [0.21] # At 21% atmospheric Oxygen ws.stokes_dim = 1 # Unpolarized # Call the agenda with inputs above ws.AgendaExecute(a=ws.propmat_clearsky_agenda) # Plot the absorption of this example plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.semilogy(ws.f_grid.value / 1e9, plt.xlabel("Frequency [GHz]") plt.ylabel("Absorption [1/m]") plt.title("O2-66 absorption from examples/arts-cat-data/lines/") """ That's it! You are done and have reached the end of this example. Everything below here is just to ensure that ARTS does not break in the future. It can be safely ignored """ # Save test results #"lines_test_result.xml", type="zascii") # test that we are still OK propmat_clearsky_agenda = pyarts.arts.Tensor4() propmat_clearsky_agenda.readxml("lines_test_result.xml") assert np.allclose( propmat_clearsky_agenda, ), "O2 Absorption has changed"