
Pre-compiled binaries

Pre-compiled binaries of the ARTS interface for macOS and Linux including the ARTS engine for performing RT simulations can be installed in a Miniforge3 environment from the rttools channel:

mamba install -c rttools pyarts

Other versions are available on the ARTS homepage.

ARTS depends heavily on catalog data. It is recommended to call at the beginning of your Python scripts to download and cache the latest version of the arts-cat-data and arts-xml-data packages. Alternatively, you can download the matching catalog data manually from the Github release page.


The pyarts package was created for use with Miniforge3. If you are using Anaconda, you will need to install it into a separate environment with the conda-forge channel:

conda create -n arts -c conda-forge -c rttools pyarts

But compatiblity issues remain, e.g. it has been reported that the package fails to install on Intel Macs with Anaconda. Therefore, we recommend to use Miniforge3.

Building from source

See top level at our github repository.

The API of ARTS is constantly being updated to suit our and our users future need. Do not expect code compatibility between any two patches.

We strongly recommend to use the latest version of ARTS from conda unless you want to help with the development.