ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method abs_lookupTestAccuracy


Test accuracy of absorption lookup table.

Explicitly compare absorption from the lookup table with line-by-line
calculations for strategically selected conditions (in-between the
lookup table grid points).

For error units see abs_lookupTestAccMC

Produces no workspace output, only output to the output streams.

Authors: Stefan Buehler


abs_lookupTestAccuracy( abs_lookup, abs_lookup_is_adapted, abs_p_interp_order, abs_t_interp_order, abs_nls_interp_order, abs_n2, abs_lines_per_species, abs_lineshape, abs_cont_names, abs_cont_models, abs_cont_parameters )


INabs_lookup(GasAbsLookup)An absorption lookup table.
INabs_lookup_is_adapted(Index)Flag to indicate whether abs_lookupAdapt has already been called.
INabs_p_interp_order(Index)The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between pressure levels.
INabs_t_interp_order(Index)The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between the temperature values given by abs_t_pert.
INabs_nls_interp_order(Index)The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between the H2O values given by abs_nls_pert.
INabs_n2(Vector)The total nitrogen profile associated with the pressures in abs_p [-]
INabs_lines_per_species(ArrayOfArrayOfLineRecord)A list of spectral line data for each tag.
INabs_lineshape(ArrayOfLineshapeSpec)Lineshape specification: function, norm, cutoff.
INabs_cont_names(ArrayOfString)Continuum / full model absorption tag names.
INabs_cont_models(ArrayOfString)Continuum / full model absorption model description parameter.
INabs_cont_parameters(ArrayOfVector)Continuum model parameters.