ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Method refr_indexThayer
Calculates the microwave refractive index due to gases in the Earth's atmosphere. The refractivity of dry air and water vapour is summed. All other gases are assumed to have a negligible contribution. The parameterisation of Thayer (Radio Science, 9, 803-807, 1974) is used. See also Eq. 3 and 5 of Solheim et al. (JGR, 104, pp. 9664).
Authors: Patrick Eriksson
refr_indexThayer( | refr_index, rte_pressure, rte_temperature, rte_vmr_list, abs_species ) |
OUT | refr_index | (Numeric) | Refractive index of air (only real part). |
IN | rte_pressure | (Numeric) | A pressure for radiative transfer calculations. |
IN | rte_temperature | (Numeric) | A temperature for radiative transfer calculations. |
IN | rte_vmr_list | (Vector) | A list of VMR values for radiative transfer calculations. |
IN | abs_species | (ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag) | Tag groups for scalar gas absorption. |