ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable use_mean_scat_data
Flag to use same scattering properties for all frequencies. This flag is not considered y all scattering methods, but (at least) by *iyFOS* and iyBeerLambertStandardCloudbox. If set to 1, the scattering properties are extracted for a single frequency, and these properties are applied for all frequncies when performing the actual radiative transfer calculations. This can save considerable time. The option can be when the width of the band is small comapred to the mean frequency. The properties are extracted for the mean of min and max of f_grid. If set to 0, standard calculations are made (scattering properties extracted for each frequency). Usage: Set by user.
Group: Index
Specific methods that can generate use_mean_scat_data
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate use_mean_scat_data
Specific methods that require use_mean_scat_data
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use use_mean_scat_data
- AntennaConstantGaussian1D
- ArrayOfIndexSetConstant
- AtmFieldsCalc
- AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D
- Copy
- Delete
- DoitAngularGridsSet
- doit_i_fieldSetClearsky
- Extract
- ForLoop
- Ignore
- IndexSet
- IndexStep
- jacobianAddFreqShiftAndStretch
- jacobianAddPointingZa
- jacobianAddPolyfit
- jacobianCalcPolyfit
- mc_IWP_cloud_opt_pathCalc
- pnd_fieldExpand1D
- PrintWorkspace
- sensor_responseFillFgrid
- surfaceLambertianSimple
- VectorExtractFromMatrix
- verbositySet
- verbositySetAgenda
- verbositySetFile
- verbositySetScreen
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
- ybatchCalc
- ybatchMetProfiles
- ybatchMetProfilesClear
Agendas that can generate use_mean_scat_data
- none
Agendas that require use_mean_scat_data
- none