ARTS  2.0.49
ConstTensor7View Class Reference

A constant view of a Tensor7. More...

#include <matpackVII.h>

Inheritance diagram for ConstTensor7View:
Tensor7View Tensor7

Public Member Functions

Index nlibraries () const
 Returns the number of libraries. More...
Index nvitrines () const
 Returns the number of vitrines. More...
Index nshelves () const
 Returns the number of shelves. More...
Index nbooks () const
 Returns the number of books. More...
Index npages () const
 Returns the number of pages. More...
Index nrows () const
 Returns the number of rows. More...
Index ncols () const
 Returns the number of columns. More...
ConstTensor7View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor6View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor6View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor6View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor6View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor6View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor6View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor6View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor5View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor4View operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstTensor3View operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, const Range &c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (Index l, const Range &v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (const Range &l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstMatrixView operator() (const Range &l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstVectorView operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, const Range &c) const
ConstVectorView operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, const Range &r, Index c) const
ConstVectorView operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, const Range &p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstVectorView operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, const Range &b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstVectorView operator() (Index l, Index v, const Range &s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstVectorView operator() (Index l, const Range &v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstVectorView operator() (const Range &l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
Numeric operator() (Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c) const
ConstIterator7D begin () const
 Return const iterator to first sub-tensor. More...
ConstIterator7D end () const
 Return const iterator behind last sub-tensor. More...
virtual ~ConstTensor7View ()
 Destructor. More...
 ConstTensor7View (const ConstTensor6View &a)
 Special constructor to make a Tensor7 view of a Tensor6. More...

Protected Member Functions

 ConstTensor7View ()
 Default constructor. More...
 ConstTensor7View (Numeric *data, const Range &l, const Range &v, const Range &s, const Range &b, const Range &p, const Range &r, const Range &c)
 Explicit constructor. More...
 ConstTensor7View (Numeric *data, const Range &pl, const Range &pv, const Range &ps, const Range &pb, const Range &pp, const Range &pr, const Range &pc, const Range &nl, const Range &nv, const Range &ns, const Range &nb, const Range &np, const Range &nr, const Range &nc)
 Recursive constructor. More...

Protected Attributes

Range mlr
 The library range of mdata that is actually used. More...
Range mvr
 The vitrine range of mdata that is actually used. More...
Range msr
 The shelf range of mdata that is actually used. More...
Range mbr
 The book range of mdata that is actually used. More...
Range mpr
 The page range of mdata that is actually used. More...
Range mrr
 The row range of mdata that is actually used. More...
Range mcr
 The column range of mdata that is actually used. More...
 Pointer to the plain C array that holds the data. More...


class Tensor7View

Detailed Description

A constant view of a Tensor7.

This, together with the derived class Tensor7View, contains the main implementation of a Tensor7. It defines the concepts of Tensor7View. Plus additionally the recursive subrange operator, which makes it possible to create a Tensor7View from a subrange of a Tensor7View.

Dimensions are called: library, vitrine, shelf, book, page, row, column. or short: l, v, s, b, p, r, c

The class Tensor7 is just a special case of a Tensor7View which also allocates storage.

Definition at line 169 of file matpackVII.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~ConstTensor7View()

virtual ConstTensor7View::~ConstTensor7View ( )


Definition at line 727 of file matpackVII.h.

◆ ConstTensor7View() [1/4]

ConstTensor7View::ConstTensor7View ( const ConstTensor6View a)

Special constructor to make a Tensor7 view of a Tensor6.

Definition at line 1879 of file

◆ ConstTensor7View() [2/4]

ConstTensor7View::ConstTensor7View ( )

Default constructor.

This is necessary, so that we can have a default constructor for derived classes.

Definition at line 1900 of file

◆ ConstTensor7View() [3/4]

ConstTensor7View::ConstTensor7View ( Numeric data,
const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 

Explicit constructor.

This one is used by Tensor7 to initialize its own Tensor7View part. The row range rr must have a stride to account for the length of one row. The page range pr must have a stride to account for the length of one page.

Definition at line 1913 of file

◆ ConstTensor7View() [4/4]

ConstTensor7View::ConstTensor7View ( Numeric data,
const Range pl,
const Range pv,
const Range ps,
const Range pb,
const Range pp,
const Range pr,
const Range pc,
const Range nl,
const Range nv,
const Range ns,
const Range nb,
const Range np,
const Range nr,
const Range nc 

Recursive constructor.

This is used to construct sub-tensors from sub-tensors. That means that the new ranges have to be interpreted relative to the original ranges.

The new ranges may contain -1 for the extent which acts as a joker. However, the used Range constructor converts this to an explicit range, consistent with the original Range.

Definition at line 1940 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

◆ end()

ConstIterator7D ConstTensor7View::end ( ) const

Return const iterator behind last sub-tensor.

Definition at line 1865 of file

References mbr, mcr, mdata, Range::mextent, mlr, mpr, mrr, msr, Range::mstart, Range::mstride, and mvr.

Referenced by Tensor7View::end(), max(), min(), operator<<(), Tensor7View::operator=(), Tensor7::Tensor7(), and transform().

◆ nbooks()

◆ ncols()

◆ nlibraries()

◆ npages()

◆ nrows()

◆ nshelves()

◆ nvitrines()

◆ operator()() [1/128]

ConstTensor7View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 75 of file

Referenced by Tensor7View::operator()().

◆ operator()() [2/128]

ConstTensor6View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 97 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [3/128]

ConstTensor6View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 121 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [4/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 241 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [5/128]

ConstTensor6View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 145 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [6/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 267 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [7/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 371 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [8/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 631 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [9/128]

ConstTensor6View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 169 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [10/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 293 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [11/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 397 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [12/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 659 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [13/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 475 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [14/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 743 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [15/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 911 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [16/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1611 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [17/128]

ConstTensor6View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 193 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [18/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 319 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [19/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 423 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [20/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 687 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [21/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 501 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [22/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 771 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [23/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 939 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [24/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1581 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [25/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 553 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [26/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 827 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [27/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 995 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [28/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1521 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [29/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1079 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [30/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1431 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [31/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1311 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [32/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1801 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [33/128]

ConstTensor6View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 217 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [34/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 345 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [35/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 449 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [36/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 715 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [37/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 527 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [38/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 799 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [39/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 967 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [40/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1551 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [41/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 579 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [42/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 855 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [43/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1023 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [44/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1491 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [45/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1107 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [46/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1401 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [47/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1281 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [48/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1769 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [49/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 605 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [50/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 883 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [51/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1051 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [52/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1461 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [53/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1135 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [54/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1371 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [55/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1251 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [56/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1737 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [57/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1163 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [58/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1341 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [59/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1221 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [60/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1705 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [61/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1191 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [62/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1673 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [63/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1641 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [64/128]

ConstVectorView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( const Range l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1833 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [65/128]

ConstTensor6View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 85 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [66/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 108 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [67/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 132 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [68/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 253 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [69/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 156 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [70/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 279 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [71/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 383 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [72/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 644 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [73/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 180 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [74/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 305 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [75/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 409 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [76/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 672 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [77/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 487 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [78/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 756 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [79/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 924 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [80/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1625 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [81/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 204 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [82/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 331 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [83/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 435 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [84/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 700 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [85/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 513 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [86/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 784 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [87/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 952 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [88/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1595 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [89/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 565 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [90/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 840 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [91/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1008 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [92/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1535 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [93/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1092 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [94/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1445 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [95/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1325 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [96/128]

ConstVectorView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
const Range v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1816 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [97/128]

ConstTensor5View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 228 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [98/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 357 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [99/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 461 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [100/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 728 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [101/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 539 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [102/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 812 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [103/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 980 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [104/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1565 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [105/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 591 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [106/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 868 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [107/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1036 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [108/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1505 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [109/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1120 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [110/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1415 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [111/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1295 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [112/128]

ConstVectorView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
const Range s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1784 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [113/128]

ConstTensor4View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 617 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [114/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 896 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [115/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1064 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [116/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1475 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [117/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1148 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [118/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1385 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [119/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1265 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [120/128]

ConstVectorView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
const Range b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1752 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [121/128]

ConstTensor3View ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1176 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [122/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1355 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [123/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1235 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [124/128]

ConstVectorView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
const Range p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1720 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [125/128]

ConstMatrixView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1205 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [126/128]

ConstVectorView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
const Range r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 1688 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [127/128]

ConstVectorView ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
const Range c 
) const

Definition at line 1656 of file

References CHECK, and OFFSET.

◆ operator()() [128/128]

Numeric ConstTensor7View::operator() ( Index  l,
Index  v,
Index  s,
Index  b,
Index  p,
Index  r,
Index  c 
) const

Definition at line 706 of file matpackVII.h.

References CHECK, mdata, and OFFSET.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Tensor7View

friend class Tensor7View

Definition at line 730 of file matpackVII.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mbr

Range ConstTensor7View::mbr

The book range of mdata that is actually used.

Definition at line 759 of file matpackVII.h.

Referenced by Tensor7View::begin(), begin(), Tensor7View::end(), end(), nbooks(), Tensor7View::operator=(), Tensor7::operator=(), and Tensor7::resize().

◆ mcr

Range ConstTensor7View::mcr

The column range of mdata that is actually used.

Definition at line 765 of file matpackVII.h.

Referenced by Tensor7View::begin(), begin(), Tensor7View::end(), end(), ncols(), Tensor7View::operator=(), Tensor7::operator=(), and Tensor7::resize().

◆ mdata

Numeric* ConstTensor7View::mdata

Pointer to the plain C array that holds the data.

Definition at line 767 of file matpackVII.h.

Referenced by Tensor7View::begin(), begin(), Tensor7View::end(), end(), Tensor7View::operator()(), operator()(), Tensor7::resize(), Tensor7::Tensor7(), and Tensor7::~Tensor7().

◆ mlr

Range ConstTensor7View::mlr

The library range of mdata that is actually used.

Definition at line 753 of file matpackVII.h.

Referenced by Tensor7View::begin(), begin(), Tensor7View::end(), end(), nlibraries(), Tensor7View::operator=(), Tensor7::operator=(), and Tensor7::resize().

◆ mpr

Range ConstTensor7View::mpr

The page range of mdata that is actually used.

Definition at line 761 of file matpackVII.h.

Referenced by Tensor7View::begin(), begin(), Tensor7View::end(), end(), npages(), Tensor7View::operator=(), Tensor7::operator=(), and Tensor7::resize().

◆ mrr

Range ConstTensor7View::mrr

The row range of mdata that is actually used.

Definition at line 763 of file matpackVII.h.

Referenced by Tensor7View::begin(), begin(), Tensor7View::end(), end(), nrows(), Tensor7View::operator=(), Tensor7::operator=(), and Tensor7::resize().

◆ msr

Range ConstTensor7View::msr

The shelf range of mdata that is actually used.

Definition at line 757 of file matpackVII.h.

Referenced by Tensor7View::begin(), begin(), Tensor7View::end(), end(), nshelves(), Tensor7View::operator=(), Tensor7::operator=(), and Tensor7::resize().

◆ mvr

Range ConstTensor7View::mvr

The vitrine range of mdata that is actually used.

Definition at line 755 of file matpackVII.h.

Referenced by Tensor7View::begin(), begin(), Tensor7View::end(), end(), nvitrines(), Tensor7View::operator=(), Tensor7::operator=(), and Tensor7::resize().

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