const Numeric | EARTH_RADIUS = 6.378e6 |
| Global constant, the radius of the Earth [m]. More...
const Numeric | RAD2DEG = 57.29577951308232 |
| Global constant, conversion from radians to degrees. More...
const Numeric | DEG2RAD = 0.01745329251994 |
| Global constant, conversion from degrees to radians. More...
const Numeric | PLANCK_CONST = 6.626180e-34 |
| Global constant, the Planck constant [Js]. More...
const Numeric | SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 2.99792458e8 |
| Global constant, spped of light in vaccum [m/s]. More...
const Numeric | BOLTZMAN_CONST = 1.380662e-23 |
| Global constant, the Boltzmann constant [J/K]. More...
const Numeric | AVOGADROS_NUMB = 6.0220450e26 |
| Global constant, the Avogadro's number [molec/kg]. More...
const Numeric | ATOMIC_MASS_UNIT = 1.6606E-27 |
| Atomic mass unit, 12th of a C^12_6 atom. More...
const Numeric | COSMIC_BG_TEMP = 2.735 |
| Global constant, Planck temperature for cosmic background radiation [K]. More...
const Numeric | SUN_TEMP = 6000.0 |
| Global constant, Planck temperature for solar radiation [K]. More...
const Numeric | EULER_NUMBER = 2.7182818284590452 |
| Global constant, e (Euler's number) More...
const Numeric | LOG10_EULER_NUMBER = 0.43429448190325176 |
| Global constant, log10(Euler's number) More...
const Numeric | NAT_LOG_TEN = 2.3025850929940459 |
| Global constant, ln(10) More...
const Numeric | NAT_LOG_2 = 0.69314718055994 |
| Global constant, ln(2) More...
const Numeric | SQRT_NAT_LOG_2 = 0.832554611 |
| Global constant, sqrt(ln(2)) More...
const Numeric | PI = 3.14159265358979 |
| Global constant, pi. More...
const Numeric | ATM2PA = 1.01325e5 |
| Global constant, converts atm to Pa. More...
const Numeric | TORR2PA = 133.3227 |
| Global constant, converts torr to Pa. More...
const Numeric | TEMP_0_C = 273.15 |
| Global constant, Temperature in Celsius of 0 Kelvin. More...
const Numeric | PRES_STAND = 101300.25 |
| Global constant, Standard pressure in Pa. More...
const Numeric | LOSCHMIDT_CONST = 2.686763E25 |
| Global constant, Loschmidt constant [m^-3]. More...
const Numeric | EARTH_GRAV_CONST = 3.98601E14 |
| Global constant, Earth gravitational constant [m^3/s^2]. More...
const Numeric | HZ2CM = 0.01 / SPEED_OF_LIGHT |
| Global constant, converts Hz to cm-1. More...
const Index | GFIELD1_F_GRID = 0 |
| Global constant, Index of the frequency grid in GriddedField1. More...
const Index | GFIELD3_P_GRID = 0 |
| Global constant, Index of the pressure grid in GriddedField3. More...
const Index | GFIELD3_LAT_GRID = 1 |
| Global constant, Index of the latitude grid in GriddedField3. More...
const Index | GFIELD3_LON_GRID = 2 |
| Global constant, Index of the longitude grid in GriddedField3. More...
const Index | GFIELD4_FIELD_NAMES = 0 |
| Global constant, Index of the field names in GriddedField4. More...
const Index | GFIELD4_IA_GRID = 0 |
| Global constant, Index of incidence angles in GriddedField4. More...
const Index | GFIELD4_P_GRID = 1 |
| Global constant, Index of the pressure grid in GriddedField4. More...
const Index | GFIELD4_F_GRID = 1 |
| Global constant, Index of the frequency grid in GriddedField4. More...
const Index | GFIELD4_LAT_GRID = 2 |
| Global constant, Index of the latitude grid in GriddedField4. More...
const Index | GFIELD4_ZA_GRID = 2 |
| Global constant, Index of the zenith angle grid in GriddedField4. More...
const Index | GFIELD4_LON_GRID = 3 |
| Global constant, Index of the longitude grid in GriddedField4. More...
const Index | GFIELD4_AA_GRID = 3 |
| Global constant, Index of the azimuth angle grid in GriddedField4. More...
const String | ABSSPECIES_MAINTAG = "Absorption species" |
const String | FREQUENCY_MAINTAG = "Frequency" |
const String | FREQUENCY_SUBTAG_A = "Shift + Stretch" |
const String | FREQUENCY_CALCMODE_A = "Interpolate iyb" |
const String | POINTING_MAINTAG = "Sensor pointing" |
const String | POINTING_SUBTAG_A = "Zenith angle off-set" |
const String | POINTING_CALCMODE_A = "Recalculate iyb" |
const String | POINTING_CALCMODE_B = "Interpolate iyb" |
const String | POLYFIT_MAINTAG = "Polynomial baseline fit" |
const String | TEMPERATURE_MAINTAG = "Atmospheric temperatures" |
This file contains global constants.
You can use them anywhere by declaring them as in the following example:
extern const Numeric PI;
See for example the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
home page for the values of specific constants.
- Author
- Patrick Eriksson
- Date
- 2000-09-14
Definition in file constants.cc.