ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method ScatteringMergeParticles1D


This method pre-calculates a weighted sum of all particles per pressure level.
before the actual DOIT calculation is taking place in ScatteringDoit.
It should be called directly after pnd_fieldSetup (but after
cloudbox_checkedCalc). It's purpose is speeding up DOIT calculations.

pnd_field is resized to [np, np, 1, 1]. Where np is the number of pressure levels
inside the cloudbox. The diagonal elements of the new pnd_field are set to 1, all
others to 0. Accordingly, scat_data_array is resized to np. Each particle
is the weighted sum of all particles at this presssure level.
This is an experimental method currently only working for very specific cases.
All particles must be of the same type and all particles must share the same
f_grid and za_grid. And pha_mat_data, ext_mat_data and abs_vec_data must be all
the same size.
This method can only be used with a 1D atmosphere.

Authors: Oliver Lemke


ScatteringMergeParticles1D( pnd_field, scat_data_array, atmosphere_dim, cloudbox_on, cloudbox_limits, t_field, z_field, z_surface, cloudbox_checked )


OUT+INpnd_field(Tensor4)Particle number density field.
OUT+INscat_data_array(ArrayOfSingleScatteringData)Raw data of single scattering data.
INatmosphere_dim(Index)The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).
INcloudbox_on(Index)Flag to activate the cloud box.
INcloudbox_limits(ArrayOfIndex)The limits of the cloud box.
INt_field(Tensor3)The field of atmospheric temperatures.
INz_field(Tensor3)The field of geometrical altitudes.
INz_surface(Matrix)The surface altitude.
INcloudbox_checked(Index)OK-flag for variables associated with the cloudbox.