ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method ppathCalc


Stand-alone calculation of propagation paths.

Beside a few checks of input data, the only operation of this
method is to execute ppath_agenda.

Propagation paths are normally calculated as part of the radiative
transfer calculations, and this method is not part of the control
file. A reason to call this function directly would be to obtain a
propagation path for plotting. Anyhow, use this method instead
of calling e.g.*ppathStepByStep directly.

Authors: Patrick Eriksson


ppathCalc( ppath, ppath_agenda, ppath_lraytrace, atmgeom_checked, t_field, z_field, vmr_field, f_grid, cloudbox_on, cloudbox_checked, ppath_inside_cloudbox_do, rte_pos, rte_los, rte_pos2 )


OUTppath(Ppath)The propagation path for one line-of-sight.
INppath_lraytrace(Numeric)Maximum length of ray tracing steps when determining propagation paths.
INatmgeom_checked(Index)OK-flag for the geometry of the model atmosphere.
INt_field(Tensor3)The field of atmospheric temperatures.
INz_field(Tensor3)The field of geometrical altitudes.
INvmr_field(Tensor4)VMR field.
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INcloudbox_on(Index)Flag to activate the cloud box.
INcloudbox_checked(Index)OK-flag for variables associated with the cloudbox.
INppath_inside_cloudbox_do(Index)Flag to perform ray tracing inside the cloudbox.
INrte_pos(Vector)A geographical position for starting radiative transfer calculations.
INrte_los(Vector)A line-of-sight for (complete) radiative transfer calculations.
INrte_pos2(Vector)A second geographical position to define the geometry for radiative transfer calculations.