ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable transmitter_pos
Transmitter positions. Used for radio link calculations and gives then the position of the transmitting device. The corresponding positions of the receiver are given by sensor_pos. The number of rows in transmitter_pos and sensor_pos must be equal. This WSV is also defined as sensor_pos regarding the content of the columns, accepted range for latitudes etc. With one exception, this WSV is demanded to have two columns also for 1D. The additional second value is the angular distance between the transmitter and the reciver. This angle is defined as "latitude" for 2D, with the sensor fixed at the angle of 0 degree. Each row this matrix defines rte_pos2 for the measurement block, exactly as sensor_pos is translated to rte_pos. If no transmitter is involved in the calculations, the variable can be set to be empty. Usage: Set by the user. Unit: [ m, degrees, degrees ]
Group: Matrix
Specific methods that can generate transmitter_pos
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate transmitter_pos
- MatrixCreate
- Append
- Copy
- Extract
- FieldFromGriddedField
- MatrixAddScalar
- MatrixCBR
- MatrixExtractFromTensor3
- MatrixMatrixMultiply
- MatrixPlanck
- MatrixScale
- MatrixSet
- MatrixSetConstant
- MatrixUnitIntensity
- Matrix1ColFromVector
- Matrix2ColFromVectors
- Matrix3ColFromVectors
- Matrix1RowFromVector
- Matrix2RowFromVectors
- Matrix3RowFromVectors
- ReadNetCDF
- ReadXML
- ReadXMLIndexed
- Reduce
- Select
- Touch
Specific methods that require transmitter_pos
- jacobianCalcAbsSpeciesPerturbations
- jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc
- jacobianCalcTemperaturePerturbations
- sensor_checkedCalc
- yCalc
- yCalcAppend
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use transmitter_pos
- Append
- atm_fields_compactFromMatrix
- Compare
- Compare
- Copy
- Delete
- Ignore
- InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition
- MatrixAddScalar
- MatrixMatrixMultiply
- MatrixScale
- MatrixSet
- ncolsGet
- nrowsGet
- Reduce
- Select
- VectorExtractFromMatrix
- VectorMatrixMultiply
- WriteNetCDF
- WriteNetCDFIndexed
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate transmitter_pos
- none
Agendas that require transmitter_pos
- none