Go to the documentation of this file.
62 const Index & atmosphere_dim );
86 const Agenda& ppath_step_agenda,
87 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
105 const Agenda& ppath_step_agenda,
106 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
117 const Numeric& ppath_lraytrace,
126 const Index& atmosphere_dim );
130 const Index& stokes_dim,
147 const Index& cloudbox_on,
152 const Agenda& iy_main_agenda );
159 const Index& jacobian_do,
162 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
166 const Index& cloudbox_on,
167 const Index& stokes_dim,
169 const Agenda& iy_main_agenda,
170 const Agenda& iy_space_agenda,
171 const Agenda& iy_surface_agenda,
172 const Agenda& iy_cloudbox_agenda,
182 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
197 const Agenda& propmat_clearsky_agenda,
205 const Index& stokes_dim,
211 const Agenda& blackbody_radiation_agenda,
224 const Index& stokes_dim,
226 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
229 const Index& use_mean_scat_data,
237 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
249 const Index& stokes_dim );
259 const Index& stokes_dim,
264 const Sparse& sensor_response,
265 const Index& imblock );
277 const Index& imblock,
278 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
282 const Index& cloudbox_on,
283 const Index& stokes_dim,
290 const Index& antenna_dim,
291 const Agenda& iy_main_agenda,
292 const Index& j_analytical_do,
301 const Index& atmosphere_dim );
306 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
void get_ppath_blackrad(Workspace &ws, Matrix &ppath_blackrad, const Agenda &blackbody_radiation_agenda, const Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView ppath_t, ConstMatrixView ppath_f)
void adjust_los(VectorView los, const Index &atmosphere_dim)
void get_ppath_abs(Workspace &ws, Tensor4 &ppath_abs, Tensor5 &abs_per_species, const Agenda &propmat_clearsky_agenda, const Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView ppath_p, ConstVectorView ppath_t, ConstMatrixView ppath_vmr, ConstMatrixView ppath_f, ConstMatrixView ppath_mag, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Index &stokes_dim, const ArrayOfIndex &ispecies)
void get_ppath_ext(ArrayOfIndex &clear2cloudbox, Tensor3 &pnd_abs_vec, Tensor4 &pnd_ext_mat, Array< ArrayOfSingleScatteringData > &scat_data, Matrix &ppath_pnd, const Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView ppath_t, const Index &stokes_dim, ConstMatrixView ppath_f, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Tensor4 &pnd_field, const Index &use_mean_scat_data, const ArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data_array, const Verbosity &verbosity)
void mirror_los(Vector &los_mirrored, ConstVectorView los, const Index &atmosphere_dim)
void apply_iy_unit(MatrixView iy, const String &y_unit, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Numeric &n, const ArrayOfIndex &i_pol)
Range get_rowindex_for_mblock(const Sparse &sensor_response, const Index &imblock)
void defocusing_general(Workspace &ws, Numeric &dlf, const Agenda &ppath_step_agenda, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, ConstTensor3View t_field, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstMatrixView z_surface, const Ppath &ppath, const Numeric &ppath_lraytrace, const Numeric &dza, const Verbosity &verbosity)
void ext2trans(MatrixView trans_mat, Index &icase, ConstMatrixView ext_mat_av, const Numeric &l_step)
void get_ppath_trans2(Tensor4 &trans_partial, ArrayOfArrayOfIndex &extmat_case, Tensor4 &trans_cumulat, Vector &scalar_tau, const Ppath &ppath, ConstTensor4View &ppath_abs, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Index &stokes_dim, const ArrayOfIndex &clear2cloudbox, ConstTensor4View pnd_ext_mat)
The structure to describe a propagation path and releated quantities.
Numeric dotprod_with_los(ConstVectorView los, const Numeric &u, const Numeric &v, const Numeric &w, const Index &atmosphere_dim)
void get_iy_of_background(Workspace &ws, Matrix &iy, ArrayOfTensor3 &diy_dx, ConstTensor3View iy_transmission, const Index &jacobian_do, const Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView rte_pos2, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstTensor3View t_field, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, const Index &cloudbox_on, const Index &stokes_dim, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Agenda &iy_main_agenda, const Agenda &iy_space_agenda, const Agenda &iy_surface_agenda, const Agenda &iy_cloudbox_agenda, const Verbosity &verbosity)
A constant view of a Tensor4.
A class implementing complex numbers for ARTS.
cmplx FADDEEVA() w(cmplx z, double relerr)
void iy_transmission_mult(Tensor3 &iy_trans_total, ConstTensor3View iy_trans_old, ConstTensor3View iy_trans_new)
Declarations for agendas.
The implementation for String, the ARTS string class.
void get_ppath_atmvars(Vector &ppath_p, Vector &ppath_t, Matrix &ppath_vmr, Matrix &ppath_wind, Matrix &ppath_mag, const Ppath &ppath, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstTensor3View t_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, ConstTensor3View wind_u_field, ConstTensor3View wind_v_field, ConstTensor3View wind_w_field, ConstTensor3View mag_u_field, ConstTensor3View mag_v_field, ConstTensor3View mag_w_field)
void emission_rtstep(Matrix &iy, const Index &stokes_dim, ConstVectorView bbar, ArrayOfIndex &extmat_case, ConstTensor3View t)
Scattering database structure and functions.
Declarations required for the calculation of jacobians.
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
void iyb_calc(Workspace &ws, Vector &iyb, ArrayOfVector &iyb_aux, ArrayOfMatrix &diyb_dx, const Index &imblock, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstTensor3View t_field, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, const Index &cloudbox_on, const Index &stokes_dim, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstMatrixView sensor_pos, ConstMatrixView sensor_los, ConstMatrixView transmitter_pos, ConstVectorView mblock_za_grid, ConstVectorView mblock_aa_grid, const Index &antenna_dim, const Agenda &iy_main_agenda, const Index &j_analytical_do, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const ArrayOfArrayOfIndex &jacobian_indices, const ArrayOfString &iy_aux_vars, const Verbosity &verbosity)
void get_ppath_trans(Tensor4 &trans_partial, ArrayOfArrayOfIndex &extmat_case, Tensor4 &trans_cumulat, Vector &scalar_tau, const Ppath &ppath, ConstTensor4View &ppath_abs, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Index &stokes_dim)
A constant view of a Matrix.
void surface_calc(Matrix &iy, ConstTensor3View I, ConstMatrixView surface_los, ConstTensor4View surface_rmatrix, ConstMatrixView surface_emission)
void bending_angle1d(Numeric &alpha, const Ppath &ppath)
Propagation path structure and functions.
void get_ppath_f(Matrix &ppath_f, const Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Numeric &rte_alonglos_v, ConstMatrixView ppath_wind)
void apply_iy_unit2(Tensor3View J, ConstMatrixView iy, const String &y_unit, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Numeric &n, const ArrayOfIndex &i_pol)
A constant view of a Tensor3.
Header file for sparse matrices.
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
A constant view of a Vector.
void get_iy(Workspace &ws, Matrix &iy, ConstTensor3View t_field, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, const Index &cloudbox_on, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView rte_pos, ConstVectorView rte_los, ConstVectorView rte_pos2, const Agenda &iy_main_agenda)
void defocusing_sat2sat(Workspace &ws, Numeric &dlf, const Agenda &ppath_step_agenda, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, ConstTensor3View t_field, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstMatrixView z_surface, const Ppath &ppath, const Numeric &ppath_lraytrace, const Numeric &dza, const Verbosity &verbosity)
void pos2true_latlon(Numeric &lat, Numeric &lon, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lat_true, ConstVectorView lon_true, ConstVectorView pos)
The global header file for ARTS.