ARTS built-in documentation server
Agenda propmat_clearsky_agenda
Calculate the absorption coefficient matrix. This agenda calculates the absorption coefficient matrix for all absorption species as a function of the given atmospheric state for one point in the atmosphere. The result is returned in propmat_clearsky. The atmospheric state has to be specified by rtp_pressure, rtp_temperature, rtp_mag, and rtp_vmr. The methods inside this agenda may require a lot of additional input variables, such as abs_species, etc. The include file 'agendas.arts' predefines some possible agendas that can be used here.
Group: Agenda
OUT | propmat_clearsky | (ArrayOfPropagationMatrix) | This contains the absorption coefficients for one point in the atmosphere (one set of pressure, temperature, magnetic field, and VMR values). |
OUT | nlte_source | (ArrayOfStokesVector) | Variable to contain the additional source function due to NLTE effects. |
OUT | dpropmat_clearsky_dx | (ArrayOfPropagationMatrix) | Partial derivative of absorption coefficients. |
OUT | dnlte_dx_source | (ArrayOfStokesVector) | NLTE partial derivatives output is two parts: S*dB/dx+dS/dx*B. |
OUT | nlte_dsource_dx | (ArrayOfStokesVector) | NLTE partial derivatives output is two parts: S*dB/dx+dS/dx*B. |
IN | jacobian_quantities | (ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity) | The retrieval quantities in the Jacobian matrix. |
IN | f_grid | (Vector) | The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations. |
IN | rtp_mag | (Vector) | Magnetic field at a radiative transfer point. |
IN | rtp_los | (Vector) | Line-of-sight at a radiative transfer point. |
IN | rtp_pressure | (Numeric) | Pressure at a radiative transfer point. |
IN | rtp_temperature | (Numeric) | Temperature at a radiative transfer point. |
IN | rtp_nlte | (EnergyLevelMap) | NLTE temperature/ratio at a radiative transfer point. |
IN | rtp_vmr | (Vector) | Absorption species abundances for radiative transfer calculations. |
Specific methods that can generate propmat_clearsky_agenda
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate propmat_clearsky_agenda
Specific methods that require propmat_clearsky_agenda
- cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D
- cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D
- cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP
- cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D
- DisortCalc
- DisortCalcWithARTSSurface
- DisortCalcClearsky
- OptimizeDoitPressureGrid
- iyActiveSingleScat
- iyActiveSingleScat2
- iyEmissionStandard
- iyEmissionStandardSequential
- iyHybrid
- iyHybrid2
- iyMC
- iyTransmissionStandard
- MCGeneral
- MCRadar
- nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines
- propmat_clearsky_agenda_checkedCalc
- propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc
- line_irradianceCalcForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLinesPseudo2D
- RT4Calc
- RT4CalcWithRT4Surface
- spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel
- spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use propmat_clearsky_agenda
- AgendaAppend
- AgendaExecute
- AgendaExecuteExclusive
- Append
- Copy
- Delete
- Ignore
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate propmat_clearsky_agenda
- none
Agendas that require propmat_clearsky_agenda
- none