OUT | cloudbox_field | (Tensor7) | The spectral radiance field inside the cloudbx. |
OUT | za_grid | (Vector) | Zenith angle grid. |
OUT | aa_grid | (Vector) | Azimuthal angle grid. |
IN | atmfields_checked | (Index) | OK-flag for atmospheric grids and (physical) fields. |
IN | atmgeom_checked | (Index) | OK-flag for the geometry of the model atmosphere. |
IN | scat_data_checked | (Index) | OK-flag for scat_data. |
IN | cloudbox_checked | (Index) | OK-flag for variables associated with the cloudbox. |
IN | cloudbox_on | (Index) | Flag to activate the cloud box. |
IN | cloudbox_limits | (ArrayOfIndex) | The limits of the cloud box. |
IN | propmat_clearsky_agenda | (Agenda) | Agenda calculating the absorption coefficient matrices. |
IN | atmosphere_dim | (Index) | The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3). |
IN | pnd_field | (Tensor4) | Particle number density field. |
IN | t_field | (Tensor3) | The field of atmospheric temperatures. |
IN | z_field | (Tensor3) | The field of geometrical altitudes. |
IN | vmr_field | (Tensor4) | VMR field. |
IN | p_grid | (Vector) | The pressure grid. |
IN | scat_data | (ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData) | Array of single scattering data. |
IN | f_grid | (Vector) | The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations. |
IN | stokes_dim | (Index) | The dimensionality of the Stokes vector (1-4). |
IN | z_surface | (Matrix) | The surface altitude. |
IN | surface_skin_t | (Numeric) | Surface skin temperature. |
IN | surface_scalar_reflectivity | (Vector) | Surface reflectivity, assuming it can be described as a scalar value. |
IN | surface_reflectivity | (Tensor3) | Surface reflectivity, for a given position and angle. |
IN | surface_complex_refr_index | (GriddedField3) | Complex refractive index of the surface, at a single point. |
GIN | nstreams | (Index, Default: 16) | Number of polar angle directions (streams) in RT4 solution (must be an even number). |
GIN | pfct_method | (String, Default: "median") | Flag which method to apply to derive phase function (for available options see above). |
GIN | ground_type | (String, Default: "A") | Flag which surface type/surface property method to use (for available options see above). |
GIN | quad_type | (String, Default: "D") | Flag which quadrature to apply in RT4 solution (for available options see above). |
GIN | add_straight_angles | (Index, Default: 1) | Flag whether to include nadir and zenith as explicit directions (only effective for quad_type G and D). |
GIN | pfct_aa_grid_size | (Index, Default: 19) | Number of azimuthal angle grid points to consider in Fourier series decomposition of scattering matrix (only applied for randomly oriented scattering elements) |
GIN | auto_inc_nstreams | (Index, Default: 0) | Flag whether to internally increase nstreams (individually per frequency) if norm of (bulk) scattering matrix is not preserved properly. If 0, no adaptation is done. Else *auto_inc_nstreams* gives the maximum number of streams to increase to. |
GIN | robust | (Index, Default: 0) | For *auto_inc_nstreams*>0, flag whether to not fail even if scattering matrix norm is not preserved when maximum stream number is reached. Internal RT4 calculations is then performed with nstreams=*auto_inc_nstreams*. |
GIN | za_interp_order | (Index, Default: 1) | For *auto_inc_nstreams*>0, polar angle interpolation order for interpolation from internal increased stream to originally requested nstreams-ifield. |
GIN | cos_za_interp | (Index, Default: 0) | For *auto_inc_nstreams*>0, flag whether to do polar angle interpolation in cosine (='mu') space. |
GIN | max_delta_tau | (Numeric, Default: 1e-6) | Maximum optical depth of infinitesimal layer (where single scattering approximation is assumed to apply). |