ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method cloudboxSetAutomatically


Sets the cloud box to encompass the cloud given by the entries
in *particle_field*.

This WSM handles one Tensor4 type *particle_field* at a time. It can
be used to determine the cloudbox from particle_bulkprop_field

The function must be called before executing any WSM that applies

The function iterates over all 3D fields in *particle_field* (which
might correspond to different particle bulk properties as in
particle_bulkprop_field). Each field is searched for the first
and last pressure index, where the value is unequal to zero. This
index is then copied to cloudbox_limits.
If *particle_field* is empty, the cloudbox is switched off

Additionaly the lower cloudbox_limit is altered by *cloudbox_margin*.
The margin is given as a height difference in meters and transformed
into a pressure (via isothermal barometric height formula). This
alteration is to ensure covering photons that leave the cloud, but
reenter through a limb path.
If *cloudbox_margin* is set to -1 (default), the cloudbox will extend
to the surface. Hence, the lower cloudbox_limit is set to 0 (index
of first pressure level).
*cloudbox_margin* will be applied on each call of the WSM.

Works only for *atmosphere_dim==1.*

Authors: Jana Mendrok, Daniel Kreyling


cloudboxSetAutomatically( cloudbox_on, cloudbox_limits, atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid, particle_field, cloudbox_limits_old, cloudbox_margin )


OUTcloudbox_on(Index)Flag to activate the cloud box.
OUTcloudbox_limits(ArrayOfIndex)The limits of the cloud box.
INatmosphere_dim(Index)The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).
INp_grid(Vector)The pressure grid.
INlat_grid(Vector)The latitude grid.
INlon_grid(Vector)The longitude grid.
GINparticle_field(Tensor4)A collection of particle property fields (e.g. particle_bulkprop_field).
GINcloudbox_limits_old(ArrayOfIndex, Default: [-1])Preset cloudbox limits, e.g. resulting from a previous run of cloudboxSetAutomatically.
GINcloudbox_margin(Numeric, Default: -1)Minimum distance [m] between lowest 'cloudy' level and cloudbox lower limit. If set to *-1* (default), the cloudbox lower limit is fixed to 0, i.e., corresponds to the lowest atmospheric level (or the surface).